

At Kemball, our History curriculum and delivery reflects our school mission;

To maximise each pupil’s potential by enabling him/her to achieve as much independence as possible and to enjoy a quality of life which is both stimulating and rewarding.  

Our History education begins in Early Years and continues throughout. We place an emphasis on experiential and multisensory exploration of examining historical artefacts and primary sources to help children develop a greater understanding of the wider world in which they live through, various periods of time and historical figures. This inspires pupil’s curiosity and encourages them to think critically by forming their own sense of identify and comparing and contrasting information.

Within our school, we provide a differentiated curriculum that is designed to develop knowledge, skills and understanding of concepts that are progressive and transferable.

For pupils working at early stages of development, the curriculum enables pupils to access a wide range of creative and exciting planned activities to extend and build on known interests and motivations through a multi-sensory delivery. Within lessons repetition of skills is enforced to sustain each pupil’s achievements.                                                                            

         Communication and personal outcomes are embedded throughout all of the themes.

For pupil’s working on or towards subject specific skills and knowledge lessons are focused on pupil’s needs, interests and motivations.  There is a focus on engagement with the topic to develop subject specific knowledge and skills. Communication and personal/social development remain an integral part of all delivery.


Our History Curriculum aims to provide pupil with a broad curriculum across the different pathways.  The topic coverage is differentiated to recognise children’s individual needs and offer progressive learning opportunities.

History is taught termly alternating with Geography. It is promoted to pupils through a wide range of teaching methods and is also accessed through other curriculum aspects throughout the day.

Within our Multi-Sensory and Engagement pathways Historical topics are covered as well as a focus on personalised learning outcomes throughout the day. History is often taught through daily routines such as; day boards, routines, communication aids, break and lunch times as well as during story times. Pupils within these pathways have access to:

  • Weekly topic lessons
  • Visitors
  • School trips
  • Wider curriculum
  • Individual targets

History is assessed through connecting steps targets and evidence is recorded on Evidence for Learning.

Within the Progression pathway our History education gives pupils opportunities to recognise changes over time and that these things can affect their lives, making simple comparisons to others and experiences with those from the past.  Topics progress from their own personal history and promoting curiosity through basic comparison skills to understanding of the world around them and changes within their lifetimes and significant periods of time. Pupils in these pathways have access to:

  • Weekly topic lessons
  • Visitors
  • School trips
  • Wider curriculum
  • Cross-curricular learning opportunities.

History is assessed through History curriculum skills maps and evidence is recorded on Evidence for Learning or within topic books.

Within the Functional pathway our History education is covered through their weekly ASDAN, Duke of Edinburgh and options lessons, which develop vocational skills.  

Pupils in these pathways also have access to:

  • Visitors
  • School trips
  • Wider curriculum
  • Cross-curricular learning opportunities.

 All pathways participate in specialist days and events, such as Remembrance Day.


Pupils at Kemball will have an understanding of changes over time as well as British, local and world history, which is appropriate for their learning needs. They will have a broad understanding of social, cultural and economic backgrounds that have developed since prehistoric times. Children will have an understanding of chronology that is appropriate for their learning needs.

Our well planned teaching, learning and assessment of History, with our high expectations, will support and enable pupils to reach their full potentials and make progress at their appropriate levels within history learning, skills and knowledge.




Pupils at Kemball will have an understanding of changes over time as well as British, local and world history, which is appropriate for their learning needs. They will have a broad understanding of social, cultural and economic backgrounds that have developed since prehistoric times. Children will have an understanding of chronology that is appropriate for their learning needs.

Our well planned teaching, learning and assessment of History, with our high expectations, will support and enable pupils to reach their full potentials and make progress at their appropriate levels within history learning, skills and knowledge.